Mike Tyson, the former heavyweight boxing champion, is about to play himself in an offbeat superhero movie titled “Bunny-Man,” currently filming in Italy. The announcement came during a press conference held in the Northern city of Turin, where Tyson joined Italian producer Andrea Iervolino and writer Enrico Remmert to unveil details about the unique project, Variety reports.
“Bunny-Man” follows the story of a multimillionaire superhero who anonymously battles against evil forces while donning a rabbit mask. The character is motivated by a desire to avenge his sister’s tragic death, driven to action after explicit images of her suffering a violent act circulate on the internet, leading to her suicide.
Italian producer Andrea Iervolino, known for his work on acclaimed films such as “Ferrari” and “Waiting for the Barbarians,” is helming the production through his company TaTaTu. Iervolino expressed excitement about the project, emphasizing they’ll shoot 95% of the film on a virtual set, pushing the boundaries of cinematographic creativity to offer audiences a unique viewing experience.
Tyson, who was in Italy on Tuesday taking a break from filming to interact with fans, has previously ventured into acting following his retirement from boxing. He gained recognition for his roles in the popular “Hangover” series alongside Bradley Cooper.
While Tyson’s specific role in “Bunny-Man” isn’t public yet, his involvement adds an extra layer of intrigue to the project. Iervolino praised Tyson’s inclusion in the cast, noting that the boxing legend’s presence will undoubtedly elevate the film.
Details about the film’s director and the remainder of the international cast are under wraps, heightening anticipation for what promises to be a distinctive addition to the superhero genre. As production continues in Italy, fans eagerly await further updates on “Bunny-Man” and Tyson’s role in the unconventional hero narrative.