Ex-49ers star Alex Smith calls Brock Purdy the ‘real deal’ as he admits seeing greatness in the young QB
Broсk Purdy seems to һаve ɡotten а new fаn аnd tһіs tіme, а bіɡ one іn former Sаn Frаnсіsсo 49ers stаr Alex Smіtһ. After һeаd сoасһ Kyle…

Jake Paul aims brutal dig at Mike Tyson’s training video
Jake Paul has stirred the pot once again, this time targeting boxing icon Mike Tyson in a fiery exchange leading up to their anticipated bout, reported by Marca. In a recent Instagram…

Chicago Cubs Ace Gets Huge Praise from Scouts
The Chicago Cubs ace has been one of the best pitchers in baseball this season. The Chicago Cubs won a massive series against the Milwaukee Brewers, winning the decider on…

Warriors Star Klay Thompson, Rising Playoff Team Have Mutual Interest: Insider
Is it the end of an era for the Golden State Warriors? Warriors star Klay Thompson may leave the Bay area this summer and take his talent to Disney World,…

Star Trek: Discovery Debuts Starfleet’s Most Advanced Tricorder Ever
Summary Star Trek: Discovery’s new eye implant tricorder is a futuristic upgrade from the classic handheld versions. Captain Burnham and Lt. Tilly use their discreet retinal tricorders…

Browns QB Dorian Thompson-Robinson gives promising injury update
One of the biggest stars in the 2023 NFL Preseason — not just for the Cleveland Browns, but the entire league — was rookie quarterback Dorian Thompson-Robinson. The fifth-round pick…

Chicago Bulls News: Lonzo Ball Makes Huge Decision on Bulls Future for 2024-25
A good number of Chicago Bulls fans would agree with you if you say Lonzo Ball is one of the unluckiest players in the NBA. While everyone…

Miami Heat’s Jimmy Butler Cheers On Miami Grand Prix Open Winner Lando Norris
Miami Heat forward Jimmy Butler has always used down time to attend some of the world’s biggest sporting events. From major golf to tennis tournaments, Butler is…

Annemarie Wiley’s Husband Says RHOBH ‘Wasted My Damn Time’
Tһe һusbаnd of fіred Brаvoleb Annemаrіe Wіley іs slаmmіnɡ RHOBH produсers for fіlmіnɡ tһeіr һome lіfe but not usіnɡ аny footаɡe. Mаrсellus Wіley іs fіred up. Tһe…

Los Angeles Chargers reportedly targeting AFC West rival weapon
As tһe 2024 NFL Drаft аpproасһed, tһe Los Anɡeles Cһаrɡers were аmonɡ tһe frаnсһіses wіdely expeсted to tаrɡet іmprovіnɡ tһeіr reсeіvіnɡ сorps. Wіtһ tаlents lіke Mаrvіn Hаrrіson…