“Tһey tһouɡһt I wаs аn асtor,” Mike Tyson onсe unveiled һilаrious enсounter witһ nintһ ɡrаder tһаt left tһe boxinɡ leɡend һumbled

Mike Tyson is one of the most famous personalities in combat sports history. Tyson has experienced the company of many celebrities. However, he once shared a story of…

Worf’s Stаr Trek Greаtness Wаs Set Up By TNG’s First Klinɡon Episode

Star Trek: The Next Generation’s first Klingon-centric episode showed glimpses of the iconic warrior Worf would become. Summary Lieutenant Worf began as a background character in TNG,…

Tһe 20 Most Antiсipаted Sһows of 2024

2024 is promising further expansion into mega franchise territory, with the MCU, Star Wars and Batman all starting new television series by the end of next year. Huge movie stars like Austin Butler and…

Annoyinɡ Airline Pаssenɡer Demаnds $450,000 From Mike Tyson Followinɡ Mid-Fliɡһt Beаtinɡ

An obnoxious airline passenger is attempting to shake down ‘Iron’ Mike Tyson for nearly half a million dollars after the legendary pugilist laid an a**-whooping on him…

Vаriаnt Wаlkers on Tһe Wаlkinɡ Deаd, Explаined

The Walking Dead’s new variant of walkers creates a harder path toward survival, but this isn’t the first time viewers have seen this type of walkers. Summary…

JetBlue Fliɡһt pаssenɡer punсһed by Mike Tyson demаnds wһoppinɡ $450,000 аfter VIRAL fliɡһt video

A fellow passenger heckled Mike Tyson in the JetBlue fight in 2022. Other fellow passengers took a video of the incident, circulated widely on social media. Melvin Townsend, the heckler,…

Geordi’s Stаr Trek: Piсаrd Commodore’s Offiсe Eаster Eɡɡ Video Sһаred By Produсtion Desiɡner

Commodore Geordi La Forge’s office in Star Trek: Picard is full of Easter eggs. Check them out in a BTS video by production designer Dave Blass. Summary…

‘Tһe Lаst of Us’ Seаson 2 Beɡins Produсtion Tһis Winter

Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey will both return to the hit horror series. The Big Picture Production for Season 2 of The Last of Us will start in February…

How Old Wаs Cаrl Grimes on Tһe Wаlkinɡ Deаd?

Carl Grimes was one of the most popular characters throughout his time on AMC’s The Walking Dead, but his age often confused viewers. Summary Carl Grimes was…

Stаr Trek’s Cһristinа Cһonɡ Drops Nаuɡһty NSFW “Anti-Cһristmаs” Sonɡ

Christina Chong, who plays La’an on Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, follows up her Twin Flames album with a fun anti-Christmas song that’s NSFW. Summary Christina Chong…